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Thief In Your House!

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wimp | 16:27 Thu 28th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
If a thief breaks into your house and you injure them, you could end up in court and you could be prosecuted.The law should be leaning more on the householders side! As far as i'm concerned if someone breaks into my house that's where their rights end and i would protect my family with my last breath! You dont know if the thief has a knife or gun,your concern is for your family and to stop the thief,whatever way it takes! The householder is the victim!! not the other way about!


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If you injure them too much, don't call the police. Injure them a bit more and send them on their way.
18:16 Thu 28th Feb 2013
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I have come to the conclusion what i would do; Hammer the crap out of him so bad he'd be so scared he'd be running away on two broken legs thinking "wrong house to thieve at".
lol, I'm perfectly calm. I know precisely what my rights are without needing to profess to more bravado than anyone else. Besides, I've seen pictures of a corpse after having his head caved in by a baseball bat. Not pretty and that image lives with you forever.
LOL at Bazile

You and your Cranium are quite safe and if you are in my neck of the woods please drop in :) just knock at the door
And that Flanagan case is a perfect example of "reasonable force", where the burglar died and the victim still has to live with the idea he killed someone.
"I have come to the conclusion what i would do; Hammer the crap out of him so bad he'd be so scared he'd be running away on two broken legs thinking "wrong house to thieve at". "

In an ideal world you'd have all the time in the world, full thinking faculties and the thief would be a willing victim, unfortunately in the real world it would all happen in a flash and you or the thief could be seriously injured so sleep with dangerous tools/implements at yours or his peril.
If a theif enters my house I just hope he has nothing sharp in his pockets, I dont like my hounds swallowing sharp objects!
lol Ratter. I can imagine any thief entering your house leaving VERY quickly with a trail of brown stuff behind him.
lol Barmaid, you think they will leave again?
Good point well made. lol
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roonnie 10...I think i'll put a note on the gate saying"entering this house without permission could be dangerous for your health"lol. how's that!Sorted!
A rugby tackle from a 5'2" female pensioner may not be sufficient.

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