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A Fly On The Wall

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gness | 18:50 Fri 01st Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Is what I would love to be tomorrow. My son has just called in on his way to visit the daughter in Devon. I sent him into the dining room to fetch my cheque book. He was ages and very quiet when he came back into the kitchen. I got a strange and puzzled look as he drove away.
Just been into the dining room and on top of the sideboard are all the fun sex toys.....books etc. that I bought from the charity shop for my Girl's Night Valentine's do....we played pass the parcel and the goodies got left on the sideboard.
I would love to hear him telling his sister that he's worried about Mum because on her sideboard she has.......... ;-)


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Nah you wouldn't gness...knowing your luck, you would be a male fly , get an erection and fall off the wall. xx
20:36 Fri 01st Mar 2013
why is that psybbo ?.
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Found quite a bit Dave....really should dust more often. They've been sitting there for two weeks. :-(
Actually I had a good day, and a reasonable evening. I haven't thought about killing anyone. Yet. Although give that Mr BM is talking to me about silver bonded audio cable and copper wire, I suspect I may have to kill soon.

How come I shocked you tony?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you are being coy.

Me coy BM, well I have led a very sheltered life.
Bloody hell BM he still hasn't done the Tyre, it ain't rocket science tell him.
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Ah Dave..and I thought you were referring to my little friend Mr Baggins.
He knows HOW to do it. He just doesn't have the INCLINATION to do it. Unfortunately, he drove me to the supermarket when he picked me up off the train so I had no choice but to shop. So I can't even bloody close the canteen.
Off to watch Lusty Dusty, goodnight xxx
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Recording her Psybb......gorgeous lady and what a voice! Night. x
You may have to use errrrr other tactics BM.
nighty night psybbo.
No what has been happening? sibbs is off to put her silk nightie on?
it could only happen to you gness xxxxdee

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