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robert551069 | 08:00 Sat 02nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I have asked for help in buying I-Pads in the Technology section. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Robert, I thought about treating myself to an iPad for Christmas but decided it was too much to spend on myself. Then a very dear friend presented me with one a couple of weeks later and I love it!!
The one I have is 16mb. It's great for the Internet and I ave downloaded a few apps and games (candy crush is sooo addictive!). I also use it to Skype family abroad.
I would strongly advise getting a decent cover to avoid damage and a stylus pen to avoid greasy marks on he screen.
Question Author
Thank you, buttons 77 for your prompt and helpful answer.
Question Author
May I ask, buttons77, what is the make and model number of your I-Pad.
Thank you.
Sorry for the delay Robert - it's an Ipad2 16gb Wi-fi
I've got a iPad as well as a laptop and I've got to say I use my iPad most of the time, my mate has got the iPad 3 while I have got the ipad2 and to be fair there is much difference between them
Question Author
Thank you buttons 77 and yobanfa for your helpful replies
Can't see the point in asking a a question then asking it again cause you don't find the answers agreeable.
I have an apple iPad, I love some things on it and don't like some things also. Got it for birthday from daughter in December and still struggling. Use laptop some of the time when I can't cope with it.

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