All sorts, you'd need to be much more specific I think. Blood born viruses like hepatitis B, HIV spring to mind. I believe arthritis can be diagnosed this way although I forget which one in particular... Narrow your question down for one of the proper medical bods to be able to help you maybe?
thanks for replys my o/h has had a few illnesses over the years including heart attack and a collapsed lung a few years ago for the last few week s he has had a dry cough he does not smoke but he had bloods taken last week and now doctor has called him in to see him but he did not ask what the blood being taken was for they also want to repeat test in four weeks
Blood tests could reveal all kinds of things though, they could also be highly suggestive of certain conditions or just of a problem though don't discount that there can be blips, quite often being a reason for repeating bloods.
Rhumatoid arthritis cannot be diagnosed by a blood test. An RF factor can be present in a number of conditions and some people have it without any symptoms or obvious illness. It's a diagnosis based on a number of factors, symptoms, blood tests etc...
can be any one of many. docs will only test for one which they suspect taking into account the physical symptoms. test takes two or three days to get back on your records. talk to your docs receptionist who should be able to tell you what it was for and the result.
Carbon dioxide levels can be measured from blood tests. Red blood cell count indicates the body's ability to tranfer oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream for good health to the other organs, muscles and tissues of the body. Protein in the blood can indicate organ damage. White Blood cell count can indicate infection and will increase the respiration or breaths a person is taking (too quick and they may be moving air in/out of lungs too quick for oxygenation to occur.) In short, a lot.
Carbon dioxide levels along with red blood cell levels indicate the lungs' ability to tranfer oxygen into the blood stream and carbon dioxide out. Also an elevated white blood cell count could indicate an infection. Protein in the blood can indicate organ damage if de-oxygenation has been a long term problem and muscle death or ischemia is occurring. Best of luck. Hope it is a simple infection that some antibiotics can take care of.