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How Many Square Feet.

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kloofnek | 09:32 Thu 07th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
How many square feet in a room 6ft 6inches X 9ft 6inches.


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thank you very much.Have a good day.
If you're buying carpet or laminate you'll need more than the size of the room
61.75 sq. ft.
I get 61.75 sq. ft.
6½ x 9½ = 61¾
You've got two separate answers.

78x114/144 is the answer

= 61.75 sq ft.
5.73676 m2
I don't know of any carpet fitters that use feet n inches anymore.
Question Author
I am not fittng carpets etc.
Was reading in the paper yesterday about this "bedroom tax" (not affecting myself),that apparently under the Thatcher Regime a law came out that a room measuring 50 to 70 square feet is not classed as a bedroom.
So this was just an hypothetical question.
Thank you all for responses .

So if there is a bed and wardrobes in a room of 71 sq ft
it's not a bedroom..................?
Many immigrants would get 8 people into that space....
Question Author
up to 70 square feet .after that it is classed as a quote "fit to live in".and therefore exempt from bedroom tax.It was interesting to read that...wonder how many people will know... this was in the Daily Mirror.
My box room is the measurement in the OP.Have a single divan and two chest of drawers in there...and an immersion tank cupboard..It is ample to sleep in.
Question Author
sorry..might have confused one...upto 70 not classed as "fit to live in".
I can see a good market opportunity in dummy bedroom walls opening up....
The estate agent that told me the number of bedrooms in the house I eventually bought didn't seem to know that. Seemed to think because some idiot filled in the doorway from the main bedroom, ensuring it was too small for both bed & wardrobe, and put another doorway from the enclosed bit onto the landing, that increased the bedroom count by one. Good job the number of bedrooms wasn't a vital thing for me. But disappointed folk seem to think the house would lose value if I undid that garbage conversion.
When the Homebuyers reports first started they were for homes of 4+ bedrooms, so we all suddenly started having a study and 3 bedrooms!

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