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Children Dyeing Their Hair

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flump1 | 14:56 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
As above really, how old do you consider your daughter to be to dye her hair from natural brunette to blonde ? Not just a tiny strip but whole head.


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i would say when they can afford it themselves
I would be cross too. If school kick up, i would be giving her no support and would be awarding a consequence to make her think twice in the future....but then I am old fashioned!!
home dye kits are not known for there spectacular results, and ask a hairdresser how many times they have to put right a dodgy home made hair colour change,
I have been using homedye kits from I was 16 - in fact my first bottle of peroxide which i put on with a toothbrush - just on top and it looked like streaks the peroxide cost one shilling. Still have a good head of hair - never have had my hair coloured in a hairdressers in my life.
I always use home dyes and they're great, I've never had a problem.
When my daughter was thirteen I let her go to Holland with a friend (they were accompanied on the journey by an adult) to stay at her friends dads house for a couple of weeks, she returned home with her natural blonde (almost white) hair dyed black with thick red streaks running through it, to say I was mad with her would be putting it very mildly.
I have red hair which I like so have never dyed my whole head. I have had tones put into it occasionally though since I was 12 and made my own decision to try it but I did ask my parent's opinions.
Suitable products are unavailable off the shelf, a home kit could damage hair. Restoring damaged hair is time & expense. Such tinting is best done with salon products by a pro. Roots will need to be done every 6weeks.

Best to have a few hilites first.
I don't see what the big deal is tbh. I first had my hair dyed at 14 and it was a reddy colour. I got a full head of blonde highlights for my 16th birthday and had them for a few years. I went natural for a few years after that and then got fed up and went red again. Now i'm a dark purple colour (it still goes red when it fades).

My mum has never bothered, mainly because that's tame compared to some of the ways she's had hers! She had the bright orange crop (think Annie Lennox) when she met my dad!

And my school never bothered. My friend dyed her hair blue (we would have been 16/17 at the time) and no one batted an eyelid :-)
Oh and I had really dark brown (almost black) after the highlights :-)

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