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The Nhs Can't Be The Envy Of The World

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dave50 | 14:39 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
As many people say it is (usually those who are employed by it). If it was then surely many countries would have copied it. Not one has.


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People who live in other countries and have to pay for healthcare certainly envy it!
well I did not envy it when I lived in Canada - they have a much better health service and I cannot remember paying for anything while living there and having access to complementary therapies such a chiropractors and acupuncture. If I needed a Gyno I got to see one within a week and on the occasion a breast lump was found I had a scan, biopsy and results within 3 days of seeing my GP. When my mother had an angina attack whist visiting us she was attended to very well and the consultant rang our home after a couple of days to see how she was getting on!
The last time I had the 'pleasure' of attending a NHS hospital I was left in a corridor on morphine for 4 hours following a riding accident - had emergency surgery and left in a single room on a ward of 32 people with one nurse. I was given breakfast the next morning which I could not eat as I only had one hand (arm in sling) and when blood started going back up my arm out of the drip and back into the bag I must have rung the bell at least 10 times before anyone came -the nurses were run off their feet and had a could not care a less attitude -that is now why we pay monthly for private healthcare yet still have to pay for a NHS that frankly would be out of business if it were a private organisation.
chelle - you pay for your NHS care -indirectly through contributions if you work.
Our friends who live in Spain have nothing but praise for the health service over there.

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The Nhs Can't Be The Envy Of The World

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