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Embarrassing Mishearings

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EcclesCake | 14:10 Sat 09th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
While having dinner with friends yesterday we got onto the subject of books we've read of late.

My host told me about a biography he had read of George Sith. I sat there waiting for the lightbulb to light up in my head but no, I sat there with a blank expression on my face.....until his wife helped me out..."you know the Queen's Father".

It then dawned on me what he had actually said........

Tell me I'm not the only one that misheard things?


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At a recent tea party, my grandfather and I were talking about getting our potatoes in the garden. Mr BM walked in the room to hear grandad say "chitting in the greenhouse". His face was an absolute picture. I had to say to him "that's 'chitting', dear - CHITTING".
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Just out of interest, did you all read my post and know instantly that it was George the Sixth being talked about?
No I didn't Eccles. Often on the TV people don't pronounce sixth properly, though. They say 'sith' which I find very strange.
Years and years ago I did some temping for an agricultural supplier. I had to put in an order for a particular pump. The supplier told me what I had to put on the order form - and the part had the prefix "CR". He said thats "C for cat, R for Robert".

My order appeared as "Ceeforcat Arthur Robert".
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Barmaid, a friend's surname is Cooke. When he gave his name he said 'Cooke, with an 'E''. He was handed an appointment card with his name as Cook-Withany!
Eton Riffles.
At doctor's surgery with a skin complaint. The doctor asked "Do you have pets?" but I misheard & thought that he had said "Do you have sex?"!

I fleeting look of horror must have crossed my face, then we both laughed!
I have heard of a child who thought that the hymn "Teach us delight in simple things" was "Teachers delight in sinful things"
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Robert, I think all the teachers I know would concur with that......
This is funny - my sister and an ex boyfriend (elderly) man went to Mass one Christmas and at one point in the Mass you have to shake hands with the next person and say "peace be with you" - he turned to my sister and said "pleased to meet you" - he truly thought they were the words - looks like he hadn't been to Mass for a long time.
My friend thought that the term was "silly cone implants"!

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