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Best Read Of The Week...

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carrust | 12:23 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
....The Bravissimo catalogue has just arrived:-)))))))))))


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Good man carrust, can you post a link ?.
Sureley not better than my new yellow pages which has just arrived
not sure reading is required
Am about to read the bad news from the Inland Revenue - yuk
TOH, we got a Yellow Pages this week, the first one for years.
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better link;-)
Bet it's not as good as my Screwfix catalogue.................
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I've got that as well craft...
Ooh, I've just got some new yellow pages too....wonder if we all live near each other?
Screwfix, the dating agency?
AnswerBonk surely Beldick?

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