F.a.o Barmaid
Firstly a note to the Ed. I apologise for doing a 'F.A.O', but I don't know any other way around it... and I am HIGHLY stressed! :(
Hi BM. I really need some advice and, having noted you saying you may be able to help, I desperately need some guidance and assistance - if at all possible.
I am trying to appeal my son's secondary school, but I just don't know what to write on the appeal form.
I have all these things going round in my head, but it all sounds too emotional and I think I'm going to mess up the opportunity to appeal by writing stuff that isn't relevant or would make any difference to their decision.
If you can give me some guidance or suggestions, I would really really appreciate it, as I am unbelievably stressed out about the whole situation and feel a bit 'in limbo'. He keeps asking what school he's going to, and I'm stalling him for time by saying I haven't had the letter through yet, as I know he will be really upset if he finds out he's not going to the school he wanted to.
It was parents evening last night and his teacher has said she will write a letter of support to go with my appeal.
The school in question is the follow-on school to his current school (does that make sense??) and the majority of his classmates are going there. There are also some parents who got turned down and will also be appealing.
The letter I received says he's not been offered a place due to the school being over subscribed, but it's probably important to point out it is a faith school and he isn't baptised. Does this make a huge difference in the appeals process?
Er... I can't think of anything else that may be relevant, but please just ask away and, as I say, any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you :)