Service Personnel In Cyprus... in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Service Personnel In Cyprus...

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sandyRoe | 13:38 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Would there be many of them who would use Cypriot banks?
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Let's hope the army pay wages into British bank accounts.
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Osborne says they'll be compensated. I was thinking it strange that they'd use local banks.
Depends on how long they were planning on being out there - they may open an account in a local bank to save paying to many fees.

Normally it would be just pin money.
When we lived in Cyprus for 3 years in the 80's (my now ex was in the RAF), he had most of his wages paid into a Cypriot bank as we needed it to live on. Only money for savings was paid into UK bank.
yes and ex pats, several threads on this, legalised theft i think one said..

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