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Why Do People....

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chrissa1 | 16:54 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
give answers to Crossword questions that have already been answered, sometimes, hours ago? It beats me.


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Aarghhh. In Latest Posts now. The same question!!!
Mainly because when you click on a question in latest posts the question appears but unless you remember to tab down (or read the message in the Best Answer area) you can't see the existing answers.
However I don't know why questions which haven't just appeared in Latest Posts get selected and answered hours later.
Makes me look daft?
Okay I did that on purpose this time- although I'm sure you already know I am daft
the reason for asking for help with crosswords is so you keep some of your hair, as some crosswords have a distinct habit of making one want to tear it out.
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You taking the mick, ff? Lol.
excel, I just said that! Scroll up please!
By asking questions we can learn from reading some of the excellent explanations from kayakamina, Lie-inKing etc
And some may just want online social interaction, even if it means asking half a dozen questions they could probably solve themselves with a thesaurus and anagram solver
What's going on? Have I entered a parallel universe?
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Well then, that is very sad. :( I apologise.
dear oh dear
so you did, tilly. my apologies
You don't need to apologise. It was funny, excel.
have i missed something?
-- answer removed --
i always hit f5 to check for answers before i answer but invariably someone beats me to it
...................and why do some people not come back to you and acknowledge you when you have answered? That really irritates me.
Question Author
Some do, some don't.
More do than don't, I agree. Those that don't are a pain.

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