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Hi We're Home!!!

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rowanwitch | 20:24 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
We had a wonderful day. everything went perfectly and I haven't stopped grinning yet


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Congratulations both x x x
So pleased for you both.

do some cropping or fuzzing or something.....wanna see THE DRESS
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I will give it some thought once friends photos start arriving... I know the official guy got some that would be suitable but we won't see those for a week or so...
lots of magic moments my sister collapsing in laughter during the ceremony... due to redman's real name and no that's one set of beans I won't be spilling
When I said my 'personal declaration' someone said WOW very quietly at the back of the room.. finding out how much people care about us....
Congratulations...and wishing you a wonderful life together.
Your not married till its consummated! Congratulations.
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ZM we got married Saturday.......
congrats to both of you. Tell Mr Redman I saw a displaying goshawk yesterday. So a good day for me as well:-)
I am so glad you both had a splendid day. Can't wait to see the dress xx
glad it went well xx
Many congratulations to you both. So glad your big day went so well.

Nungate and Queenofmean
Hiya Mrs Redman! Glad it all went well. We were thinking of you especially at 4pm yesterday, someone posted about you just before ..... it seems you are really part of our (AB) family!!! Love the brill avatar ....... lots of love and happiness to you both ♥♥xx
welcome back. have a suspicion that you have both had a wondeful time. correct me if i'm wrong. xx
Very happy for you both, sounds like a really great day xx

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