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Thanks both. I'm waiting on more info myself, it's my uncle who is badly mentally handicapped and on a raft of meds in any event so difficult to get a clear picture.
He was seriously ill when admitted to hospital (in rescuss (sp?)), stabilised a little but then went downhill and back up again for now. Blood pressure better. Heart ok. Kidney function apparently ok.
Addisons only sprung to mind as a concern another uncle, his brother has it, secondary to pituitary issue (they think secondary now rather than primary). We very nearly lost him the first time (unknown what it was, he was in a coma and organs shutting down) and it happened again, not quite so seriously but still very bad.
I was worried with the very low body temp, blood pressure it could point to something like that/thyroid related... though from googling it seems sepsis could cause those symptoms?
Hoping to get blood results pinpointing the source of sepsis/infection soon.