yes, o broken down one now with a hertz and soon-to-be-hole-in-account. Going into Exeter and onto Torrington to catch up from yesterday......kippers sound good, minty,
haven't seen the poop from the weekend....gather from Eccles there were a couple of interesting threads should we say. Met her yesterday morning, pre cv-joint, and she is delightful....
Overall yes, minty, loads of wine mind you...... the rugby - well we were trounced - nothing less. The pre-match was brill, the game a funeral and with some of the welsh becoming "belligerent" we got out of Dodge City quick and even caught the 2H of Scotland France (and more wine) which was a good game it seemed - the wrong result as I would have loved to see les grenouilles with the wooden spoon.
Morning all, what a difference, sunshine, blue(ish) skys, slight breeze, unlike yesterdays very heavy frost.
Dogs walked for a couple of miles along the front, coffee brewing, papers arrived, and just about to log-on for business.
Have a good day all.