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Tea At 3? (Ish)

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albaqwerty | 16:06 Tue 19th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Gingerbread, and iced gingerbread and carrot cake

Not doing sandwiches.

Tea and coffee aplenty, contributions as always are most welcome xx

Tuck in


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hi alba x
i may try to make some broccoli biscuits instead, in nature usually orange things are not meant for eating
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I think I'd better rephrase that....
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I daren't ask Steg :-D x

(ok, if not for eating then what....?)
Bog off Trigs. I feel terrible, but someone has to pay the sodding mortgage so I am getting on with it. I am taking Sqad's advice and knocking back the ibuprofen to deal with the aching joints; lemsip to deal with most of the other things and may have to have a medicinal whisky later. (The latter NOT being advised by Dr Sqad, but self medication).
Sorry Alba, I forgot about your sticky 'C'....

Did someone mention chest rubs, I feel I have a tickle coming on........;-)
Oi, get you thee behind me lady.......
Eek, don't cross a poorly Barmaid!

Hope you feel better soon :-)
I'm just looking at a freshly baked tiger loaf, wondering how many slices I can eat at one go...............
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BM, phone in for food tonight, get Mr BM to pay for it.
(In more ways that one)

Eccles, other keyboards are under the stairs under Mr Alba's blooming joinery tools. Men!!! (can't live with 'em, can't kik them out to the the rabbit hutch either)
Thanks, Eccles. I'll get through it. I HAVE to be better by Thursday, I have a big job on.

Crafty - I hope you mean piece by piece in one sitting rather than cramming 6 pieces in your gob at once.
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paws to think about Crafty's question.....

go for 6!

1) He's eating out
2) He has no money (so I am paying for him to eat out)
3) If I am going to eat, its down to me to get it or pay for it. Bugger.
crafty, slice in half length ways and eat the whole lot in one go
I managed 3, with loads of brie...............stuffed
Late to the binge, but sitting here in a Dartmoor pub, snow outside, fire roaring with a pot of English Breakfast, so life can't be too milk no sugar no cakes....could have gone for something stronger but not quite time for me yet.......
Sorry to hear it, Barmaid, any Night Nurse etc as, for me, the sleep deprivation was the debilitating thing - 10 hours in 4 days and eventually I took a very rare sleeping pill to knock me out, probably I can count the number of times that I have done that on one hand. I just needed the rest.
mrs_o won't believe that carrot cake was on the menu

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