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E-Mail Etiquette

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sandyRoe | 15:39 Tue 19th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
"Hi" seems too casual when e-mailing a small company about an order. What's the right form here?


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do you know the person's name? you wnt it informal? "hello mark" seems appropriate to me
Most people probably wouldn't care
I'd write Hi. Or Good Morning, or Good Afternoon. Or Hello. Or nothing.

No, I would put "Dear Sir/Madam".

Hi, Sandy.

I think "Hi" is fine when writing online.


I don't preamble such e mail....simply give reference etc in opening lines... ie further to my recent order no1234 I am writing to enquire as to its expected date of delivery.....or whatever...
Actually, scrap that. I second "good afternoon".

If formal I'd do a "Dear Sirs", if it looks ok without though, if you don't know a name, I'd not put anything and just finish it off politely.
If it is to a company and not an individual then I think you can go straight into the message body as 'To' & 'Subject' have already been covered.

If you have a named individual address them however you feel comfortable, be it Dear/Hello/Hi X, be prepared for the response to be in the same vein so don't get uppity if you are addressed as Sandy rather than Mr Roe if you have used their first name.
And don't forget to sign off with an X. But just one, two xx means you luurrvvveee them. ;)
Lol. I think a smiley face would be more appropriate, EB :P

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thank you all
I'm afraid I'm a bit old fashioned and unless it's to family or close friend I tend to write e-mails as I would a letter Dear sir/madame, yours sincerely
etc, though I must confess I usually add an emoticon as I sign off.
If it's customer service I always write -
Dear Answerbank (
If it's customer service I always write -
Dear Answerbank (
If it's customer service I always write -
Dear Answerbank Customer Service

(think I just discovered a flaw on AB, see them two post above, everything wasn't posted because of the keys used)

I'm trying again without using those characters. lets see...
I always start my formal internal emails with "Good morning/afternoon". If its to a customer then I start with "Dear Mr(s) .......".

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