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Secrets From Other Half

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gina32 | 13:07 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
would you keep a secret from your other half or do you tell them everything?


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why should i tell any partner everything? i can't remember everything for starters and what business would it be of theirs anyway?
That's my thing. It's not secrets I keep, I just forget to tell him things.
it depends really, generally Im not a secret keeper, however if someone told me something in confidence I would not tell anyone.
It depends on the 'secret' really. Things that happened before you met your OH are none of their business and visa-versa -if you choose to share that's your decision but not classed as keeping a secret if you decide not to surely? If someone tells you something in confidence then you should not share it with anyone -I learned that to my cost when sharing something with OH who promptly broadcast it with the excuse that it didn't matter anyway cos everyone knew (they didn't). Secrets can be good - a surprise party or weekend away -or bad -or all shades in between. I prefer the word 'discretions' to secrets -sometimes it causes less upset to keep certain things to yourself.
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frillypancake i agree with knowabit, as much as you trust him and he is a bad liar you can never know 100% that he is telling you everything
Frilly knows her husband. I've known my partner for a very long time (been friends since we were 5) he couldn't lie to me.

It depends on each others character.

I tell him everything, but he never listens!
That's the basis of a perfect marriage :-)
Thanks Umm,

I merely gave my opinion on my own personal, and very straight forward, very honest circumstances, all without being judgemental on anyone elses opinions, fairs fair I say.
I do know my husband I will tell you that much we are very straight down the middle, we've no other reason not to be - I know him extremely well and thanks for asking! I would say straight out if it were in any way ambiguous . But it's not. Again thanks for the comments!
Very interesting how peoples lives differ I've always thought.
If you mean would I check her letters, phone, Emails definitely NOT. Can't off the top of my head think of any secret I kept fom her, or vice versa, just don't have any really. We talk and discuss and giggle all the time-- a great life.
I have and do keep secrets from the present Mrs Hughes, but I am comfortable with that because she is a total stress-head and what she doesn't know, she can't worry about.

I'm not talking anything major here, but if I have bother at work, I don't tell her because she will simply stress about it, helplessly, so I think if she doesn't know - and I don't need to tell her - then that works all round.

Anything she needed to know, even if it would upset her, I would tell her, I try to be considerate, but not stupid.
I tell him what I want him to know, the same as people on here.

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