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Kevin? (Corrie)

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TWR | 13:06 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Will he be found Guilty? how strange, this person has taken all this time to come out with these allegations, I do not be any means condone if any person is guilty of these actions but! why has it taken all this time? could it be< £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££


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Nothing needs to be twisted on this post.

Your obnoxious, puerile and insulting words speak for themselves.
Twr, I'm trying hard to understand you,
When, How did this fit in with your HGV driving career?
Question Author
Last 8 Years of my working life. unless SOME will find something wrong with that.
I fail to understand why you would seek to cast doubt on the alleged victim and then further question the motives, imputing a desire for cash in this case, TWR.

You may suggest that you were only asking the question, but asking the question does appear to suggest that you feel the allegations are made up.

If you work with victims of abuse, it surprises me that you should think a long delay between an alleged event and a formal complaint being brought is strange. CD has described eloquently enough why often happens.

In a climate where only 1 in 20 odd cases of rape actually result in a conviction, when officers in the Mets own Operation Sapphire - the unit responsible for investigating such crimes- fake reports and fail to investigate crimes; when allegations of sexual impropriety by celebrities have been classified as secret by the police, and when the victims of rape are exposed to intimate and hostile examinations of their behaviour and previous sexual history, do you really wonder why victims might be reluctant to come forward? Quite apart from the fact that if it is, for instance, a family member who is the abuser there is all the conflicting emotions and emotional blackmail going on..

The courts will I am sure fully explore the basis for the allegations and will come to a decision based upon the weight of evidence.

Perhaps you should again re-examine your own beliefs and what motivates you to question the alleged victims motives in this case?

What did you actually do though? I've worked with rape victims and victims of childhood sexual abuse. I worked in a psychiatric hospital.
Please read again what you wrote...

//Will he be found Guilty?// None of us know.

//how strange, this person has taken all this time to come out with these allegations// No it isn't the reasons are many and varied.

//could it be< £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££// If you truly think that, then it is very sad and your experience of working with the abused has not taught you well.

Thanyou for that last answer TWR,
What was it that you actually did?
^^^^Thank you ^^^^
a report from just 2 days ago

[i]Police files on celebrities and politicians accused of sexual assault were so heavily protected that officers investigating claims could not access them, it has been reported.

Information on high-profile suspects was marked as secret or restricted and available to only a small number of officers – a system that may have helped prolific offenders such as Jimmy Savile escape prosecution, the Times has said.

The approach to sensitive files was designed to stop officers from leaking information to the media.[i]
Is it any wonder that most victims of sexual assault don't report it when people on forums wonder about the motives of those that do?

I was assaulted when I was 13. At the time I didn't report it, I was scared nobody would believe me, embarrassed about it happening to me, frightened it was my own fault. I still haven't reported it, and I know he went on to do it again. Yes, I feel hugely responsible that he got away with it and did it to someone else. And yet, to this day I still won't report it. I don't want strangers judging me and my motives, asking why I've waited so long. I don't want to have to go over it all again.

I think speculating that someone has reported him for financial gain is insulting, damaging and dangerous to all victims.
I'm with you on that 2sp...a friend of mine has suffered this too within their own family and to this day out remains unreported for fear that they don't want to blow the family apart. A few choice members know of this but they are not believed which is double hurtful.
Why would it be < £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££? If he is found guilty, he has to pay his victim??

If he were found guilty the victim would be able to claim criminal injuries compensation I think.
Oh right, I didn't realise that. Guess we'll see what happens in September though, it's not good for him if they have enough evidence.
These alleged offences took place between 2001 and 2010.

The victim could have been a baby in 2001. The victim may still be a child.

TWR, your comments have repulsed me.

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Kevin? (Corrie)

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