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Mephisto 2743

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Neveracrossword | 15:10 Sun 24th Mar 2013 | Crosswords
12 Answers
My last one and I know I will probably kick myself...
25 A. Last afternoon in shreds for Christians in Iraq(9) m?n?ait?s


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Kaya, thanks - and yes, I have kicked myself.
Just looked at this and can't work this out.
In Google I can't find Mandaites. In Chambers only Mendaites, but still don't understand the word play.
Kaya, would appreciate your insight.
K may be along to offer a better answer, but perhaps..
afternoon=A ...both in
shreds=MITES ( as in small pieces scraps)
Listed in Chambers under Mandaean
Sorry it is mEndaites in Chambers!
Likewise in Collins
Question Author
Thanks, everyone. Kayakamina being kayakamina, I think the 'a' (mAndaites) was a typo, rather than an actual mistake.
What's the difference between a typo and a mistake, then?
Question Author
A typo is when you type a wrong letter/word/whatever by accident - a mistake is when you give an incorrect answer. (Well, that's my opinion!)
Apologies NAC for my error.

It was not a typo as I posted what I had in my grid. My mistake was, after finding the word in Chambers, to enter it incorrectly.
Thanks to slaney and ros for the correction.

I'll try to be more careful next time!
Question Author
No apology needed, kaya - but thanks.

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Mephisto 2743

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