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Dee Sa | 09:49 Wed 27th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
cant do sums. I badly need a new venetian blind in the bathroom window, trying to buy on line .... can some kind could convert 24inches wide and 33 inches drop into cms & mms, I must be some kind of super idiot [ don't answer] also does anyone know who will send them to me pronto ?


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24" = 61cm

33" = 84cm
Here you go..

I find Amazon is the best for delivery x
I can't do metric either Dee, but I happen to have my tape measure in my pocket
24 inches is 60.96 cm. Say 61 cm. 33 inches is 83.82cm Say 84 cm
24ins = 60.96 cm
33ins = 83.82 cm
It's better to measure it with a metric tape measure to the nearest mm.
Are the imperial measurements exact or rounded figures?
Question Author
thank you all, my tape measures are quite ancient like me.

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