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I Fancy ?

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anneasquith | 10:12 Fri 29th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
some strawberry jelly !!!!!!!


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Well why don't you have some?
Have some then.
Question Author
by jolly i think i will :) :)
Nice one. I have some in the cupboard. Jelly and ice cream...yumm
sausage and mushroom butties imminent here..
I buy jellies for the kids. I bought a lemon one yesterday - I've never seen one before
Question Author
oh.....sausage mushroom buttie and jelly.?
I fancy teenage dolly birds. Can folk give me the same advice please ?
Question Author
OG.........;; teenage dolly birds ;; what food group does that go under ? :)
poultry, anne
Just desserts ?
Teenage dolly birds? Have several. We could call them "Dolly Mixtures".
^^nope, no jelly, tomato sauce
I really fancy a bacon roll but I used all the bacon last night and I cant go out until the postman had been.
Question Author
LOL at tilly :)
are you tryinf to make me ill?????
I fancy a fish supper with a pickled onion.
I fancied some of those posh M&S chocky hot cross buns so I got some yesterday and I just had some. Delicious.
I treated myself to some hot cross buns and Percy Pigs from M&S after work yesterday.

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