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If I Was The Chancellor

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jacklee | 22:31 Fri 29th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
If I was the Chancellor I would put a tax on.....
How about inside leg measurement?


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I would stop taxing the savings of people who have worked all their life.
Earn it tax it.
Spend it tax it.
Save it tax it.
Die and tax it again.
I would put a tax on patterned leggings!
id tax people who are always ;; fed up ;; :)
He should forget about the bedroom tax and instead put a tax on bedroom activities. He'd be rolling in it.
I would put a tax on how many inches of bum crack you have showing, to stop all these idiots that walk ( or should that be waddle ) around with their pants half way down.
I always have a motherly urge to go up behind them and 'jump' them back into their pants like a two year old.
Sparkles, how I agree. Poor babies not able to dress themselves properly.

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If I Was The Chancellor

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