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Your Idea Of Hell?

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mrs_overall | 10:42 Fri 29th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
What would be your personal hell for all eternity? I don't mean being somewhere hot being prodded with a pitchfork by a bloke with horns.
Mine would be to be locked in a room with a swirly patterned carpet & flock wallpaper with my mother in law for company, with only Readers Digest condensed books to read, and country & western music being played continuously.


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Watching an England cricket match (especially if they were winning).
Having to watch "Mrs Brown's Boys" for all eternity .................. or even five minutes ...... :o(
Oy! Hands off, England cricket, Wharton!

I'm still recovering from listening to coverage of one of the most thrilling games in Test match history, throughout the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Being left on my own.
Being stuck for all eternity with nice people who continually told me

'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'
Being locked in a room painted beige with dingy lighting with soaps on the TV, Justin Bieber for music, magazines like Bella to read and fundmental religious people of any type for company.
mick - no need for that *shudders*
I like beige......and dingy lighting ....... and soaps ....and

(I think I had better stop now, whilst I still have the teeniest bit of dignity left)
you had any to start with?
One of those domed holiday parks with hundreds of screaming morning crossie...and no kindle / WiFi so I couldn't chat with all my lovely friends here on AB.....
Buenchico - I was only joking about the cricket :-). Through connections I had with Carlisle FC in the 70s I was privileged to know Chris Balderstone, great footballer but even greater cricket player; he changed my Scottish mentality towards the game forever, so C'MON ENGLAND (unless you're playing us of course).
Having to own and drive a people carrier for all eternity, with some crap pseudo mod band playing on the stereo.

to be in a room full of Islamic preachers, telling me i will wear a burkha, and veil, to be subservient to those who are my betters, men.
I think anything that lasts an eternity would be hell. I get bored very easily.

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