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Clocks Go Forward

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emmie | 07:46 Fri 29th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
this weekend, i am sure there will be other reminders, at least it will mean longer days, wish it would warm up though, it's just so cold...


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Some forecasts are saying it'll be old til the end of April :(
cold even.
I wish they'd stop mucking about with the time. grumble grumble
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boaty, if they don't spring forward, then we will live in perpetual darkness. perhaps if they left it once the spring forward clocks change, and not turn it back in October, it might not be so bad.
I never change the time on the clock in the hall.
I have no idea why - sheer idleness or get visitors out quickly.
Twice a year we have this conversation in our house.( The time is irrelevant and so is the tense)

Mr.T, 'This time next week it will be seven o'clock.'
Me, 'No it won't. It will be six o'clock'.
Mr. T, 'No it won't because we put the clocks forward on Saturday night.'
Me.'Yes but at this time it will be six o'clock. It's six o'clock now, so it will be six o'clock in a week's time.'
Mr.T, 'No it won't it will be seven o'clock.'
Me, 'Shut up!'

We say the same thing every year. It's become a ritual. Mr. T reckons I go potty when the clocks move. It always takes me a while to catch up.
Tilly we have the same argument in our house every year! I hate this particular change because although the lighter evenings are great I find it really hard to get up for work. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter what the clock says or that i will go to bed an hour earlier. as far as I'm concerned I'll have to get up at 0530 instead of 0630 and be at my desk by 0700 rather than 0800!!
I'm glad it's not just me. On Sunday evening, I will be looking at the clock thinking, 'It's only nine o'clock, I can't go to bed yet but I'm tired because its really ten o'clock.'
No, no, that's in the winter I do that! Is it?
Clocks going forward or back upset my tummy.
In Norfolk they put them forward to 1973:-)
LoL @ this ;
"n Norfolk they put them forward to 1973:-)"

@Tilly I am pretty sure that argument, or one very similar, is repeated in virtually every household around the country.

I remember a heated argument about the clocks going forward, and whether that meant we actually "lost" an hour - in other words the day was only 23 hours long - around a poker table once - All 10 people seemed to have contradictory positions :) Distracted them all quite nicely and I won a nice wedge of cash...

That was a cunning plan, Lazy Gun.

Somebody put me out of my misery and tell me how I will be feeling at nine o'clock on Sunday evening. 'Too early to go to bed' or 'Blimey, it it only that time, I'm shattered.'
Mr BM mentioned this the other day. So I very stupidly said

"the chickens will be pleased".

It took me 10 minutes to work out why he was laughing.
priceless ((bm))
The chickens will be pleased because you will be feeding them an hour earlier. It's very logical.
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just to let you know, that it plays hell with my body clock. I don't mind the longer days, more light is better for me
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a reminder folks to put clocks forward....
At least it will mean longer days.....

No they won't. Altering the clocks can't make the amount of daylight any longer.
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it's light earlier.

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