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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:02 Sun 31st Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
A happy Easter to one and all.

Frost on the cars again this morning. No change there then! I reckon all the weather gurus should be sacked we should get in someone who can give us some sunshine. :-D

Have a happy day everyone.


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hi wbm
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Morning beej.

Please all use minty's thread. ▼▼▼▼▼
morning boaty, beejay, its cold but sunny here, of course I have forgotten to put the clocks on trust me. Boaty re weatherman its the only job in the world where you can get it wrong time after time and still be in a job, what about all those instruments they consult that have cost the nation megabucks, they would be better off with a bunch of seaweed.
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Morning dee. xxx We are all on minty's thread. She posted while I was typing! You're right about the weathermen though!
Good morning and Happy Easter, boaty beej and Dee - we've just arrived home from lunch and about to start on the chockies

Have a great day all xxxx
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Afternoon seekz. xxx Sounds good to me! :-) That's the right way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
Morning Boaty and all. x
Morning all.

If frost at night means sun in the daytime, then I'll take that.
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Morning soc xxx and hoppy. We're on minty's thread as she posted first.
I'd settle for that hoppy! :o}
Happy Easter and Bunny Day to you all.

Will come back on in 30 mins - lots to do and late this morning (not because of the clocks)

Enjoy all the chocolate highs!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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