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Guardian Easter

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kiddlytivey2 | 11:21 Sun 31st Mar 2013 | Crosswords
2 Answers
Many thanks to all for the help so far, but I am still stuck this morning on 22 ac. (I wasn't up all night trying!) The animals in the B grid are - I assume - wolfram. I don't know the operas and can't be bothered to trawl through. But what is the electronics company without outsize note? I have T-I-A-T. My last one and then I am finished. Phew!


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wolfram tannhauser.
22a T(OS)HIBA + UT (apparently equivalent to DOH originally) = THIBAUT who is a page in an opera
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Many belated thanks confounded. Obscure in the extreme. (Went out for a walk since bright sun, if cold; hence did not get your reply till now).

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Guardian Easter

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