Can any one shed any light on the likely hood of getting HELLP syndrome in a second pregnancy? I had it in my first pregnancy and i am concerned about it happening again and if you have an increased chance of it happening again.
Hi, Naomi, sorry to hear you had this first time round. I work on an ITU and we have had two women with this in the last three years. Both went on to make full reoveries, but I don't know if either has gone on to have further children. You may find this web-site helpful This gives the estimated risk of being 1 in 20 for subsequent pregnancies. You will be considered as being ' at risk' and therefore closely monitored. Hope all goes well with you
Thank you so much for that ... I have looked at so many websites trying to find that information, and i will def look at preconception councelling to try and settle my nerves !!!!! thanks again x x