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1St April Tricks

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Barmaid | 18:28 Sun 31st Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I would like a simple but effective trick for son of Mr BM to play on Mr BM tomorrow. Any suggestions, please?


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Have you a pair of binoculars you can put some boot polish on the eyepiece. Son comes downstairs with binocs. Says to Dad, "What kind of bird is that I've just seen in the garden over there?" Hands binocs to Dad and..........................................................
swop toothpaste for hair remover?
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Loopy, I think I love you.

I can't do that, but I am pmsl at the thought.

Some fantastic ideas, i will have a think!
Stick a coin to the table with blu tack Shake up a can of pop/beer and pass it to Mr BM to open. Put a toy spider in the bottom of his teacup or in the cereal packet
Move his car around the corner tonight (let little BM in the play and let him in the passenger seat). Tell your son to keep hold of the keys. When Mr BM looks for his car in the morning, little BM calmly hands over the keys and apologises, saying he had to move the car to get into the garage/because a neighbour was blocked in - or whatever would suit your scenario best.
I have just put blue food colouring in bf's soy milk. Should be a laugh when he makes a cuppa in the morning :)

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