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Jo Anna Ain't What It Used To Be

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SIRandyraven | 18:18 Mon 01st Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Went to an auction Saturday and they tried to sell an upright Piano.
I tried it after the auction ended and it worked ok (well tapping all the keys made a sound). They reduced the price down to £2 as an opening bid and still no one bid !
I was tempted , but It would have been a struggle getting it home on the bus or into the boot of my Honda CRV :-)
oh and the wife would not have been pleased lol


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That's sad. I have my grandparents piano. I suppose they take up a lot of room and don't fit in well with modern decor.
Trouble is, proper pianos cost to transport and maintain. whereas I have an electronic one. Sound isn't quite so good, but I never have to have mine tuned. My mother who is a classically trained pianist reckons I've got as good a sound as I am ever going to get from an electronic one, although it will never be quite the same as an upright or a mini grand.
Remember the piano-smashing competitions decades ago?
Get a keyboard, full-size keys. Very versatile. Takes up less room. Doesn't need tuning. I got rid of my joanna several years ago and haven't looked back. Now I tickle the electronic (plastic) ivories!
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Years ago they used to get chimps to carry pianos.
They needed regular tea breaks.
^And I can plug in headphones so as not to annoy OH; volume control. Connect to computer to record my maestro-like efforts. All plus points.
Completely agree frugalfred. AND I can play with a complete orchestra should I wish to!
My dad used to dread my mother coming back from her weekly auction sale excursion. There was never any logical reason for her purchases.
lol Wolf, Mr BM dreads me coming home from antiques fairs. he just KNOWS i will have spent a shed load of money on stuff he doesn't understand.
Yes, Barmaid, I've played the Grieg Piano Concerto several times with the Royal Phil. in the Albert Hall.
Barmaid - when my grandfather died in 1992 my mum took me to a nearby city to buy a skirt for the funeral. We came back with a 5 yr old 'intact' male Lab/GSD cross. I wanted a new dog - but she egged me on. She was not trustworthy. The dog was a psycho but we had 9 years together.

Luckily the postman didn't report the 'incidents' :-)

I thought parents were there to keep us on the straight and narrow.

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