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Bbc Weather Presenters

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rowenj | 14:45 Mon 01st Apr 2013 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Simple: Are they presenters reading a script written by meteorologist in the met officer? OR, meteorologists presenting what they and their team have been working on?


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They're meteorologists, according to an email I got from BBC Scotland TV in reply to a query of mine on the subject.
Yes, they are meteorologists so they understand what they are talking about,. However, they can't see the screen they are presenting, hence the sometimes flailing arm movements.
Biographies here:

The BBC's local weather presenters are journalists:

A relevant blog post (dated 14 October 2010) from the Met Office:
A few years ago I went to a talk given by Helen Young, I think I have remembered the name correctly, who explained that they are all meteorologists and compose their own reports from the latest data available prior to the bulletin.

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Bbc Weather Presenters

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