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Lifestyle Of The Derby Fire People

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silliemillie | 22:29 Tue 12th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Maybe I am speaking out of turn (runs for cover) but what makes women take up with someone like Philpotts?

What self respecting woman would live with a man & another partner, mixture of 11 kids, let him take all your money & tell you what you can & cant do?

He doesnt appear to have ANYTHING going for him does he? He's not rich, He's not good looking and more importantly for most women, he's not even a nice person by all accounts.

Whats in it for them?


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They obviously weren't 'self respecting' women. They clearly had very low self esteem and possible low intelligence. They probably thought they couldn't get anyone better.
no idea, but many women seem to do it.
A big dick
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Daffy - they think they cant do better - I would rather be on my own than be with someone like that.
me too.
So would I if he was the only one offering. Ugh!
Maybe it's like for like. One of my neighbours has a great grand daughter that is the size of a house, her boyfriend is the same. They have a son who is going the same way. Not his fault IMO he is only 6.
simpleminded people and and somebody said there women of extreme low esteem and vulnerability comes into it too

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