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dylanfanatic | 12:48 Thu 04th Apr 2013 | Law
7 Answers
Difficult one! ecigs are becoming more popular and I know several people who use them. However, there seems to be mixed feelings among the general public. For example, my local pub allows them, whereas my club does not. I feel that, since they emit only harmless vapour, there is not a problem with them anywhere, as passive smoking is not an issue. Anybody know how the law stands on this?


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I suppose clubs and pubs can make their own rules up, if you don't like it you can go elsewhere I suppose, what is their reasoning for banning them?

I was out with a friend a couple of weeks ago and she had one of these ecigs, it looked very odd seeing someone with a fag in their hand, she felt self conscious and smoked like she was trying to hide it.
Not being a smoker I guess I don't see how they help one giving up when it seems to perpetuate a habit. In addition it is bound to cause stress from those around who think the law is being flouted, or at best the "smoker" is waving a metaphorical two fingers at all. Seems to me a landlord might see good reason not to cause an issue by disallowing them and thus avoiding the risk of driving present custom to the pub down the road. Their pub, their rules, so long as they are within the law.
For the legal position have a look at the act that brought you smoke free premises, the Health Act 2006, where they are exempt.
It is up to each Landlord/ Manager to decide , the law says only that smoking not allowed and these give off water vapour not smoke.
I only know 1 pub that allows them the rest class them as smoking.
There doesn't seem to be much logic to the way e-cigs are treated by various pubs, clubs, airlines etc.
Ryanair permit them and actually sell them on the plane.
Easyjet on the other hand forbid them, but I only found this out by reading the in-flight magazine, having happily puffed away during a four-hour flight, without apparently upsetting anyone, including the cabin crew.
There was a big local faff in the news over this with someone using one at the Man City Stadium.
i think some people don't realise that its vapour, and think its smoke but with no nicotine in or something - i have heard people saying 'its still smoke'

i think there needs to be more education about them

there is perhaps a worry that others may be annoyed if they see them and think someone is smoking - but they light up blue or red so are clearly not real.

i think even for people who don't want to give up they are useful these sorts of situations, to prevent the need to go outside, and also in times when they cannot smoke for other reasons - near kids etc.

i know a fair few people who have used them and they say they do work - some buy all the flavoured capsules too, and they help people cut down, and even if they never stop they are still taking in less smoke so its healthier anyway

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