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I Am Fed Up

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slinky.kate | 13:20 Fri 05th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
i have workmen in the house fitting a new shower and i havent had a shower since wednesday,i cant get out as the chemist is due to deliver my medicines and the gas board is coming up at some point to check my boiler,it is lovely and sunny out there and i feel like sitting in the garden.i am going to the swimming baths tonight so i can get a good shower and wash my hair,and a swim of coarse.thats the rant over,looking forward to my shower getting fitted.


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In the same boat, Kate. Ours starts next week
No...... I thought this was Fed Up come back! Lucky you with sunshine, we have freezing cold rain and wind here.
When will your new shower be finished kate ?.

hi ya sibo.
Question Author
just thought i would fool you all with the title but i am to late for April fool ?
Hi Tony
No shower for two whole days? Wow!
And you'll be waiting a very long time for the "gas board" to arrive!
Only about 5 days late, Kate :-)
Question Author
just asked the workies and they said roughly about a week .mine should be finished wed./thursday.
I was without a bathroom for 3 weeks. It was nightmare. Luckily my cousin lives round the corner.
Mmmmm still some time to go then kate.

Sponge baths are alright !.
Question Author
tony only my son here so 'no sponge bath'its a no no.i cant stop sneezing with all the dust and stoor.
It'll be a hose in the back yard for me :-(
Power washers better, I'm sure gness would come and see to you sibo lol.
stitched feet.. no water for over 2 weeks!

and no, they don't smell!!
You're just used to the smell now.
lol.. maybe my nose has stopped working too!
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just got a call from the gas board,they are up at my son,i have sons old phone and i thought the message was for me,but i was wondering why the GHA.was wanting to check my boiler when i'm in a bought house

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