1) Limit the rights of anybody from any country to move to any other EU country. Limit by number - so many a year or whatever. The EU cant afford to have a situation where hundreds of thousands of people move from the poorer coutries to the richer countries.
2) Stop the situation where an EU person from say Romania (or other Eastern block country) can come here, marry an asylum seeker from say Africa, and that gives the right for the asylum seeker to stay in the UK as the husband/wife of a person who is EU based.
This just encourages sham marriages.
Why on earth should a person from Poland, Bulgeria, Romania etc have the RIGHT (by marriage) to decide who stays in the UK. Particulalry when it is a sham marriage.
But overall the whole EU thing is a corrupt, mis-managed mess so I would scrap it. Bring back the conecpt of the original "common market" or it will eventually lead to war in Europe at some point in the future.
I would go further than to simply advocate the UK's withdrawal (though that would do for a start). I would canvass for its complete abolition and leave former members as free and individual nations to form their own flexible trading agreements and resume running their own affairs as they think fit.
Contrary to what many would suggest it has brought little but trouble and strife to Europe. Many of its "achievements" that were of benefit would have been achieved without it. Many more of its "achievements" have been a downright disaster for the UK (in particular the free movement of people and the single currency).
Even if we withdrew it would still spread its pernicious influence across Europe and the world and it would continue to cause unrest, uncertainty and instability. Its initial aims were laudable. Its evolution and metamorphosis from a simple trading bloc to a supra-national anti-democratic corrupt organisation have left it long past its sell-by date.
revert back to it's original concept, for trade, and that alone. No interference on who we have here, who we can deport, and who we can do business with.
but the apparatchiks want it, they want control, not unlike the Nazi party, only this time it's supposedly for our own good. Some good it's done us in the long term, not much good for Greece, nor Cyprus, nor indeed many countries that have been living on the edge for so long, economically speaking.
Beware, em, that simply leaving the EU would not automatically restore our ability to decide who settles here and who remains here. That is principally the fault of our own Human Rights Act of 1998 coupled with us being a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights. To restore our independence and sovereignty in those matters we would have to repeal the 1998 Act and withdraw from the ECHR. Unencumbered by EU membership both these measures could be achieved more readily and it may not surprise you to learn that I would advocate them as well.