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Cruel Or Funny?

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EvianBaby | 16:06 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I saw this earlier today and I thought it was quite funny but I've since seen a fair few comments describing it as little more than child abuse.

What do you reckon?


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I remember when my daughter was 4 she had a hissy fit in a restaurant because I wouldn't let her have a gin and tonic!
19:31 Mon 08th Apr 2013
Brilliant! As a person who works with kids for the majority of my week I think it's a great representation of how silly some of their strops can be. Sometimes you can't help but laugh at them!
lol son threw a strop because I wouldn't put glitter on his walls.
Haha! They are fantastic! One had a strop with me because I opened his crisps for him! You wonder what goes through their wee heads sometimes! :-)
Any parent who derives pleasure from publishing pictures of his child only ever crying on the World Wide Web shows unhealthy signs of perversion tending to indicate unsuitability for child rearing.
Perversion?! Seriously, Canary?!! I think that's a bit harsh.
It's hilarious. All small children and both horrible and wonderful, I have two sets of younger twin sibs and they can be exactly like that.
I remember when my daughter was 4 she had a hissy fit in a restaurant because I wouldn't let her have a gin and tonic!
I went through a phase for about 2 years as a kid, when I would burst into tears at the drop of a hat. My parents took a photo of me crying to show me whenever I started, to show me what I looked like. Did it screw me up? No! I'm one of the cheeriest people I know - it's often commented on that I laugh and smile a lot, and I don't do that for appearances sake :)
Canary - I doubt the crying photos are the only ones they have.

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