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Pampered Pets

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Georgiesmum | 11:04 Tue 09th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
How much do you pamper your pets?Ive just heard on the radio a man who carpeted a window sill so his dog wouldnt slip when he climbed up and barked at people walking by, also a lady who always cooks a proper meal each night for her two dogs, while she settles for egg on toast for herself!
Do you know any really pampered pets?


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lol I take it now is not a good time to mention i kiss her belly and stroke her paws then?
Speaking to an uncle I hadn't seen for a while on the weekend. He asked how my bf was. When I told him we broke up a while ago he asked 'how many cats do you have?' :o\
she wears pantaloons?
Shut up FGT, you are giving ALL cat slaves a bad name.
fluff the way her fur is at the back it looks like little pantaloons, ask Sara I am sure Colin is the same!!
Oh I am not a slave - whats lower than a slave

I am a sterile cat woman!!! lol
''Aslan, also known as The Great Lion, is the creator and one true king of the world of Narnia''

BM... the similarity is quite unnerving eh:
OMG, there's two of them!!!!!!!!!!!

i want one of these for murph, i found the uk site on fb the other day and they were quite cheap, can't find it now!
Oh fluff if you find it can you let me know - cheers
i was hoping one of you lot might find it for me...... :-) i have been searching ages!
and like a div i cleared my phone history so its not on there
Isla graciously allows me to share the comfy armchair in front of the tv - who cares if I can only fit one buttock on!
Well, to maintain my 30 something crazycatlady status:

- We have cuddles every night when I get in, usually after she was come to meet me walking up the road to home meowing her head off.

- I often sit wrapped up in throws to keep warm so I can keep the window open for her to come in and out.

- She has her own bed with all kinds of comfy stuff on it even though she prefers to sleep on the cat bed I make her up on the sofa every night or me.

- I didn't disown her when I woke up to a dead magpie in my lap.

There is more...there is no hope...

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