My 14 year old daughter works in a pub kitchen part time and she brings home some good money for a youngster when the tips are shared out etc.
I've managed to persuade her to save a third of her wages every week and put it away for when she's a bit older for maybe a car or deposit on renting a place etc.
But im not sure where to start. She's has a bank account and debit card with Lloyds TSB but ive not been down to see them yet.
She needs something that she can ideally add £10-£20 a week to but make it hard for her to withdraw. We're not that bothered about interest rates etc.
I've got two principal accounts I use for casual money, one Halifax which is day to day money and one which is with Barclays which I never really use because its rubbish for access. Barclays sadly still seem to treat teenagers like little children so make it quite awkward to get at your money, especially in any quantity as there is no online banking, no abiity to text money about etc so I would imagine that woudl suit her if she wants to avoid temptation.