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Could You See Jeremy Clarkson Using One Of These?

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sandyRoe | 08:20 Thu 11th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
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Well it isn't really a car, so no. But I can't see anyone using one of those really.
not at that speed, no!

Sinclair C5 comes to mind..
Not so sure about JC, but it it would suited Abu Hamza, if he could have got one on the mobility scheme!
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You never know. When the oil starts to run out it might come down to a choice between something like that or a bicycle.
I think Clarkson would give it a trial.
I think he'd look nice with the roof of whatever car he's driving strapped to his head.
I doubt if he could squeeze his head into this vehicle, let alone his legs.
^ Was just about to post the same as mikey. Ideal for Hammond though.

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Could You See Jeremy Clarkson Using One Of These?

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