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Which Religion/cult Is The Most/least Entertaining ?

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modeller | 13:15 Tue 16th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
8 Answers
I always thought Christianity was the most dreary but if you look at the bible from an entertainment point of view this summing up of the bible is not bad.

//Eyes of fire, seas of blood, rivers of tears, scarlet beasts, plagues of locusts, pealing trumpets, bottomless pits, mass murder and mayhem. Now this is a crazy book.//


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Christianity I think.

I think that watching the Ark being loaded with all those animals would have been hilarious!
The old testament definitely has some good stories in it.
from a following point of view;

least entertaining: Islam. sod getting up at 5am to wail on a rooftop and then a further 4 or 5 times a day. And no drinking.

most entertaining: One of those cults where the introductory offer is to have sex. I'd keep leaving and re-joining under different names.
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I like the Nordic Faith where you end up in Valhalla where every day consists of feasting, fighting , and sinning in preparation for the Armagedden and the next day all are resurrected . All are virgins again.
As a keen science fiction fan, its got to be Scientology for the most fun. Almost as good as Asimov !

Although Hinduism seems to be a close second...all though festivals where they throw coloured powder over each other.

For the most miserable its got to Christianity. Lots of people dying or being smoted...very blood thirsty.
Yes mikey, but there is a lot of begatting to !.
Most boring cult would be "Infinity Forms of the Yellow Remember". Unless of course you are the founder.
Voodoo...most entertaining but not entirely convincing

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