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Sir Mark Thatcher

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Booldawg | 13:15 Wed 17th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
What did he get a knighthood for? The only time you usually hear about him is when he's in some ridiculuos and embarrassing scenario.


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Oh give the guy a break! wE ALL GO ON AND ON AND ON about him 'getting lost'....he was the the Sahara for goodness sake! Not on a political employ.... on a 'time off' ....he's an astute business man and everyone always has to jump on the bloody media bandwagon when you know absolutely Nothing about him he's lost his mum for God's sake...give it up!
14:03 Wed 17th Apr 2013
i think (but hope i am wrong) his mother's was an hereditary peerage, can't believe he's the nerve to live off the back of that but it may be so
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ok just found this;

Thatcher is entitled the usage of the pre-nominal style "The Honourable" following the elevation of his mother to the peerage as a baroness in 1992

would seem to be the case Dot!
It was his father's hereditary peerage. He was created 1st Baronet of Scotney. Because HE was created a baronet, his wife could be called Lady Thatcher yet retain her seat in the House of Commons.
He's a knight because his father was made a baronet, Sir Denis Thatcher Bt. Baronetcies pass by descent, so he became a baronet too.
Ironic that the first woman prime minister should be honoured by her husband being created a Baronet and it being passed down the male line
doed that mean that dennis's first wife could remain a baroness too?
Well she was granted a life peerage in her own right on her retirement from the Commons.
What, you mean on the death of her Baronet husband? I'm not sure what the protocol is, but I think she would become the dowager baroness and the son becomes the 4th Baronet.
no his first wife not maggie
THat's what I meant Dot. First wife married the 3rd Baronet of Wightwick. Had she not remarried, she would not have been entitled to use the title of Baroness through Denis as their marriage had previously ended in divorce.
ah right, hey didn;t have kids either .
Denis's first wife was not his wife when he became a baronet, so no, she would not be entitled to the title of Lady. He was not entitled to be styled Lord, and wasn't, because the husband of a baroness is not termed Lord. A life peer's wife, like a knight's wife, is styled Lady, however, hence Helen Wogan being referred to as the "the present Lady Wogan" by Terry Wogan. What happens when one of a lesbian couple, joined in a civil union, becomes a baroness is yet to be determined; you could have two Lady Jones !
Fred - Lady Jack and Lady Jones.............

runs for the door if JTH is in the AB house.
That last sentence was not serious. Presumably a lesbian would be made Dame or Lady and their partner would not be Lady as well.
Neither was mine, Fred........
Oh give the guy a break! wE ALL GO ON AND ON AND ON about him 'getting lost'....he was the the Sahara for goodness sake! Not on a political employ.... on a 'time off' ....he's an astute business man and everyone always has to jump on the bloody media bandwagon when you know absolutely Nothing about him he's lost his mum for God's sake...give it up!
Wow, consider yourselves told, haha
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yes we know all that - just not sure if that deserves a knighthood though?!
paddy - do you agree he should have served the four years imprisonment after being convicted?

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Sir Mark Thatcher

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