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Well Done The Germans!

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craft1948 | 15:41 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | Interiors
3 Answers
I have a large 9 light chandelier where the bulbs fit inside glass globes. A week last Sunday I managed to break one of the globes when changing a bulb. I had bought the light fitting online and couldn't remember where I had bought it from, all I had was the manufacturer's name WOFI in Germany.
I emailed WOFI on the Sunday night, got a reply from them on Monday morning asking for further details, and on Wednesday last week received 2 globes despatched direct from Germany.
I emailed my thanks and asked when I would receive an invoice to which my new best friend Claudia replied "You don’t have to pay for the glasses, please take it as a service from WOFI"

I wonder how many English companies would have done this?


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You always blame that poor dog...
15:47 Mon 22nd Apr 2013
You really do have to stop swinging from chandeliers craft ;o)
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I blame the dog..............
You always blame that poor dog...

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Well Done The Germans!

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