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Favourite Threads This Month?

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AB Editor | 14:16 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Your nominations please :)


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mrs_o and her uncanny powers re star signs
What a question Ed!

The one that mentions one's name (kindly or otherwise)?
The one that evokes the most responses?
The one that annoys one the most?
The one that fawns over the membership (aka 'popularity contest')?
The most sarcastic answer?
The OP or specific response(s)?
The one that evokes the most human responses?
The one that results in a suspension or even a total ban (designed for such a purpose)?
The one that warms the cockle of our hearts?
The outing of a banned member?

Go on, Ed, surprise us - like you didn't know already ;)
btw Ed - one has noticed that you have posted this in CB, even though CB does not appear on the screen when logging on to AB - get my drift? ;)
Question Author
I don't know what you're on about with your first TTFN? I was waking what your favourite thread this month is... you don't seem to have offered an answer?

Maybe I could have phrased it better.

"one has noticed that you have posted this in CB, even though CB does not appear on the screen when logging on to AB - get my drift? ;)"

Not really? It's not on the home page because we don't want to scare people off with you lot! Feel free to elaborate on your drift! (or anyone else who wants to speculate?)
Ed: "I don't know what you're on about with your first TTFN? I was waking what your favourite thread this month is... you don't seem to have offered an answer?"

Not really getting your drift there, either!

My favourite thread this month (and I have been through all 34 pages on CB) is a toss up between

Why? Because they both made my day, I smiled throughout both. Sometimes it is just sufficient to take oneself away from all worries and indulge in something that is pure happiness. No need to go further than the OP - there is no dissent and I feel more content for having seen them.

Well done to Ratter and smurfchops :)

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