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I'm Exhausted

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albaqwerty | 14:16 Wed 24th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Looked after the young albas pal's dog (nearly 2 years old) ours is nearly 9, both get on like a house on fire.
In human terms, both would be napping in the afternoon surely?


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Have a lie down and they'll settle x
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Must admit Sibs, we all played hide and seek, keek-a-boo and fetch :-D
The mutts also played leap frog!
Good fun.
i need a nap :-)
My son and daughter each have a blue staffie. I have them some days and holiday or work commitments The difference between the 2 is unbelievable. My sons is no problem does his own thing .Has a sleep like a normal dog. My daughters just does not sit down he is on the go all the time .Has to have your attention and cuddles. By the end of the day with him I am knackered lol. Only 6 months between them and they get on well but I would never have them both at the same time.

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