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Wish I Could Get In The Mood

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fruitsalad | 15:10 Sat 27th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
To go out tonight...but really not bothered if I go or not, we are due to meet up with some friends but can't really be arsed.. I know it's not the attitude to take but just cannot get myself motivated


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if you feel unwell. dont go. im sure your friends will understand.
Go on, you'll probably enjoy yourself when you get there. Have a good pampering session................
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anne I'm not feeling unwell just exhausted all the time and don't have much energy so really should try and make an effort
I know exactly how you feel fruitsalad, but go, you'll end up enjoying yourself.
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Yes was thinking that myself crafty may go and have a long soak in the bath see if that helps me along abit
well after your pampering. see how you feel.
Go and have fun you can sit home tomorrow
you might just end up enjoying yourself if you go out.

If, after an hour or so, just go back home. Sometimes it's just the thought of getting ready which puts you off.
I'm thinking the same thing - but I'm covered in paint and wondering if I'll ever manage to get it all off. I went to Tesco last night, came home and realised I still had white paint in my hair :-(

I'm going to get cleared up soon then run myself a hot bubble bath, and put on some music. That usually does the trick.

I suggest you do the same :-)
Whenever I can't be arsed to go out I end up having a better time than when I'm raring to go.
My mum's started to do this thing where whenever she feels demotivated and lacking in energy she goes a few laps around the block and then a cold shower, after that she's pretty much wonderwoman :)
Did you go in the end?

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Wish I Could Get In The Mood

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