In addition to previous comments, the DVLA actively seeks to distance itself from disputes of legal title and over the years has ensured that registration documents make no reference to ownership.
A 2002 consultation on EC harmonisation of vehicle registration documents broaches this issue and makes DVLA's position pretty clear...
"5.1 The DVLA register is one of vehicle keeper-ship and not ownership. The
vehicle keeper is the person normally responsible for keeping/using the vehicle. That
person is not necessarily the legal owner but in the vast majority of cases, the keeper
and owner will often be the same person.
5.2 The purpose of the vehicle register is to enable the licensing authority and
enforcement agencies to trace the person responsible for the vehicle. It is therefore
proposed that the vehicle keeper will continue to be recorded on the register and
shown on the document.
5.3 In addition, to recording the vehicle keeper, it has been suggested that the new
document should also show the legal owner. This would effectively transform the
document into one of legal title and could inevitably lead to disputes over legal
title/ownership. We believe that the case has not been made to record ownership
details on the register and propose not to include such details."