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I Fell Asleep In Fron T Of The Box.....

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cupid04 | 23:01 Mon 29th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
And missed Dave Allen. Was it any good? I was looking forward to seeing it.
Does anyone know if it will be repeated?


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Dave Allen is repeated on Sunday 5 May at 11p.m. on BBC2 and BBC2 HD

It will probably be on iplayer BBC2 also.
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Thank you sir.prize. That's good to know.
Is that the Irish chap from the 70's?
I stayed awake as I found it interesting and amusing.
Did we find out how he actually lost his finger?
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yep and I suppose you're a wee whippersnapper?
Not sure weather to be flattered or hurt ;0)
I used to like his somewhat irreverent and daring wit.
He lost his finger when it was caught in a machine cog.

and Wikipedia says:

One version was that his brother John had surprised him by snapping his jaw shut when they were children, resulting in him biting it off. Another was that it was done deliberately to avoid National Service. A further explanation he gave on his programme Dave Allen at Large was that he often stuck his finger in his whisky glass and it had been eaten away by "strong drink". He also said the cause was repeated brushing down the dust from his suit with his hand causing the finger to be worn away. One of his memorable stand-up jokes was that, when he was a boy, he and his friends would go see a cowboy movie at the local cinema, then come out all ready to play "Cowboys and Indians". Staring down at his truncated finger, he would mutter, "I had a sawn-off shotgun." On his show he told a long, elaborate ghost story, ending with "something evil" attacking Allen in a dark and haunted house. Allen grabbed and bit the attacker, the studio lights came back up, and it was his own left hand.
Loved Dave Allen how he was in his orginal shows. Sad he felt he had to change format and develop foul language in order to keep up with the alternative comedians of the 90s. It spoilt his shows we felt. Good tribute tonight on this programme, very sad that he died only 3 weeks before his son was born, with his second wife, didn't know that. Must look up why he died at age 68 - heart attack?
Says he died in his sleep 10 March 2005 age 68.
Dave Allen died at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, on 10 March 2005 of heart failure caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
I agree with you ,Ann, re change of format.Liked him just the way he started.
It wasn't bad. I don't normally go for these sort of biop type progs but it was nice to see a few of the old sketches and background. And hear about the complaints from viewers. And especially how well he apparently didn't go down in his native Ireland.
God Anne 10 March 2005 was the death of my wee nephew in Thailand. What a coincidence.

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