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Calling Over 50S! This Will Make You Droooooool

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hc4361 | 17:41 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
54 Answers


(Never sure which link to use)


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They all look rather stale and out of date, LOL

(I have sour grapes tonight, I'm fasting pre a blood test in the morning :-(
Oh dear, boxy what time in the morning ?. I had one last Friday.
Mine was 8.45, good to have it nice and early. Don't forget only drink water in the morning.
It's the drinking only water now which is proving difficult!
Yes I know what you mean, boxy. Never mind you can make up for it tomorrow night !.
You are lucky your hospitals give appointments for your blood tests. I have a blood test on Thursday and its take a ticket and wait with the other 50 patients in front of you.
I get mine done at the GP, sammy, our practice nurse or healthcare assistant does 'em.
I had mine at our doctors Sammy, the practice nurse did it.
i used to work with a Pakistani called Caramac:-)
I would prefer that, but unfortunately my surgery doesn't offer this service.
Sammy, you could move to a practice that does perhaps.
Which was the bar that had nuts and cherries in, that was my favourite
I used to feel so grown up if i had a Cadbury's Fruit and Nut bar.

Looking back, and at the price labels here, it was probably too expensive to have other than on special occasions like birthdays.

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