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Does Anyone Have ...

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joggerjayne | 17:13 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
... a frozen pizza, or a tin of tuna?

Just until I've been to the shops tomorrow.

Or no?


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jj, this is what the Indians do on a Friday night !.
Hey, that was a lot, exercise tomorrow then x
JJ, you an have some mediterranean roasted vegetables with some pork loin if you'd like, then fresh raspberry cheesecake
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LOL ...

No matter how many times you see it, that sketch is still funny.

Is there anyone of our generation who hasn't sat in a restaurant and made a joke about having the blandest thing on the menu!
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Hang on, Psybbo ...

I didn't eat the whole lot !!!!!

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Yum, Iluv.

But I've already eaten, lol
Chilli Nuts and some Prosecco then JJ?
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Chilli nuts?

Okay, no ... I'm not even going to do the gag ...

It's just TOO obvious.
you are gagging now, JJ; the ex and I always enjoyed a bit of kinky sex after a good Chinese......
After or with, DT?
whistles off into the darkness
I have a crate of tuna, so you can have a tin. I have 2 frozen pizzas in the freezer (my kids have developed a taste for pizza only recently, they hated it before) you can have one. Where are you, you can pick up or I can drop it off.

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