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Asda - What To Do?

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sherrardk | 21:26 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Asda haven't taken any money out of my account for last week's home shopping delivery. They have taken the previous week's and this week's. I can't spend the money (in case they take it), but I don't know what to do. What would you do?


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I got a bag for life from the asda check out ripped afore i had it in to car .Lifes to short .Give them their money it not worth the worry .wondering if they will come looking for it .
'don't say a thing, they wont notice a small amount of money' lol!! but you will feel so guilty afterwards. x
Would I tell them?

No way.

If they are too disorganised to charge, then that's their loss.
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My feeling is, if their systems are too rubbish to take my money it's their look out. But, can't spend the bloody money in case they take it later so I may as well own up as I can't spend it. (Phleb - how's things?)
Sher I visit Asda once a month and I hate going there. They have a pharmacy is the only reason I go. They are so disorganised it is not true. Keep your mouth shut, but don't spend the money YET. Wait a while.

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